We are often asked “How do I automatically bill and collect from my client for a monthly bookkeeping fee?” This new feature has now been added to QuickBooks Online. This can save a tremendous amount of time and the best part is you can get paid faster. Here are the steps to set up automatic recurring invoicing.
Start with a QuickBooks Payments account.
Next, Activate the setting for Recurring Transactions:
When you are logged in your QBO account, click the Company/Gear icon, and select Recurring Transactions.
Finally Create a TEMPLATE for each CLIENT. Use a SALES RECEIPT so the customer is invoiced and you are paid all in one step.
Name your template, we recommend using the client’s name. Select “Sales Receipt” as the template type, enter how many days in advance you want this transaction created. You will need Customer, email address, select whether you want it to automatically send (we recommend). Then you will need to select how often, along with a start and end date. Be sure to pick a START DATE at least one day in the future to get started.
Before you SAVE the template, select from the drop-down what type of payment to be used each month. You can select check (ACH) or credit card. Keep in mind the funding for ACH can be tricky and sometimes slower than credit cards so plan accordingly.
Here is a sample of what the ACH screen requires you to supply:
Your other option is to swipe or key in a credit card. Click “Use this credit card in the future for this customer.”
After this template is SAVED it should auto-create your sales receipt. Double-check the date it should post to make sure everything was set up correctly. Go to Sales>Customers and scroll to that customer double-clicking to see the transactions.
There is one more step that you will need to complete and that is the authorization form. You will need to print this form, have the client complete, and have this on file. If the client needs to change their payment method, have them complete an updated form.
Here is the link to the authorization form
SAVE TEMPLATE before you exit the screen.
On the day you request this sales receipt to be created, your client will receive a copy of the sales receipt and the credit card will be processed the same day.
Here is a copy of the email your client will receive:
Using this system allows you to automatically bill your clients using QBO. Automatic billing is a more efficient way for you to invoice, collect, and streamline your billing process.
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